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An Invite of Fate : Episode 01

Writer's picture: BE TALESBE TALES

The Prompt Invite

The whirring sound of the airplane welcomed the line of passengers. The brown leather handbag of Aarya swayed on her side while she wiped the sweat out of her brows. A smile broke on her lips as the cool breeze of the airplane soothed her hot skin, and the smiling air-hostess welcomed her in. With dotting eyes, Aarya made her way through the seats, searching for hers while she felt the chill of sweats, and cursed herself in the mind for her heavy sweating. Her eyes flashed on the seat 60C, and she comforted herself in the seat, resting her head on the headrest. The Economic Times newspaper was the first sight that welcomed Aarya as she turned her head to look out the window. Politics. Geez! Aarya turned her head towards the air hostess, who came by her duties.

"I would like to have a glass of champagne," a baritone voice resonated near Aarya. She turned from the air hostess to look at an oddly handsome old man next to her. The face shrieked for recognition, but her dumb brain remained to sit there stupid as a dead slug.

"Your usual sir? We do have new arrivals." The pretty air hostess chatted along as if the old man, and she were old friends catching up. Aarya fidgeted with her rings while she waited excruciatingly to ask for a glass of apple juice, which she calls fizz.

"No, the usual will do, Madam." The old man winked at the air-hostess to which, like a reflex, the air-hostess blushed and turned slightly beet-red while she poured him a glass of champagne. Look at the old man make a move!wooh! Aarya thought.

"A glass of apple juice would be fine for me," said Aarya hastily as she sat there scratching her nose slightly. The air hostess served Aarya the juice. Before she left, she turned a beet-red again and conveyed her happiness in meeting him.

A baby cried somewhere in the cabin as people started to move around, a slow yet rhythmic snoring raised in the air. "I just love traveling in the economic class. It makes me more connected with ordinary things, like travelling on a bus. Oh, bless us!!" the old man smiled to himself. Though Aarya was sure that the old man was talking to her, she pretended to ignore him and remained unresponsive to the communication he was heading.

But the mental image of a bus and airplane kept popping in her mind, and it seemed bizarre to find the similarity. Economic class indeed had the usual aura of a bus. The sounds, the minimum privacy, and the lack of space made the journey very similar to travelling on a bus. Yet it made her more relaxing than the first-class seats, where she felt lonely and claustrophobic. "Same for me too," Aarya whispered.

"Ms. Aarya Sudhakar, I am pleased to meet you. I am Jagdeesh Nagekkar from Mumbai."Aarya heard Jagadeesh Nagekkar, her fellow passenger speak. The settling feeling Aarya had was of slapping herself. India's one of the – THE BEST business-man and the very own Captain of Nagekkar Firms and Enterprises, was sitting next to her. Damn it! Aarya swore under her breath. That's why he looked so familiar. That's the reason why the air-hostess was benign. Aarya understood the truth.

"Oh my God! I am so happy to meet you, sir. I can't believe myself... I get recognized by you... you know me! Oh my God! I was so star-struck before.. nothing plausible found a way to address you, sir!" Aarya tried her best smile to add up to her layering of flattering. But in the corner, she felt the old-famous- the Demi-God of North Indian Business felt the rock truth as he smiled sweetly at her.

"You were very impressive in the video published on Facebook by New India. Your confidence and passion really get enumerates in your works." Jagadeesh peered at Aarya through his glassed eyes. Though, Aarya was not star-struck before, but then she was, more than she could ever imagine. Her half-open mouth, quiet unusually bulging eyes, and her status of not breathing made her feel as if she was hit by a boulder. Aarya felt her voice shiver as she tried to speak, "Th...Thank Y...You sir. It means a lot to me. I mean, to hear such is more than anything... Oh my God! I have never felt this much gratitude towards Facebook till now."

"Haha!" Jagadeesh laughed loud and unfeigned. "If I knew I would meet you today and that meeting you as my co-passenger, then I would have done more research on you. But I am impressed with the empire you have build, Bhojanam is Food. Your chain of restaurants is the shining star on the internet. It has already spread all across South India, huh?"

"Yes sir! South India and a few places in Malaysia and Thailand. I have not ventured into North- India yet, but I would like to. The range of food is exquisite there. So, I think it would be a great thing to collaborate both- I know the market is taken, yet it is always interesting to bring in a world within the world you have lived."

"Very true!! Within three years, you have reached the scores well, yet keep the options open. Learn every day, and never ever in your life stop teaching yourself something new. Listen to all, but listen closely to what your instinct says. I see great potentials in entrepreneurs like you."

" Yes Sir. Definitely. I would keep a mental check on whatever you have said. You are my Dumbledore!" Aarya felt her ears burn with what she has said, were finally making an impression, and there goes everything on fire- Dumbledore! Aarya bit her lips.

The old man either did not get her or he felt Aarya's comparison way too promising that for a full second he laughed until he accepted the compliment, and scratched on his white beard. So like that, the ice-broke between the two. And for the next few hours, they talked- conversed, shared their opinions on politics, new start-ups, the business world, and even their personal details. They both enjoyed each other's company that nothing from the outer world impressed them until they walked out of the airport.

"Haha...Thank You soo much, sir. Ha! There is Mr.Chirag!" Aarya said as she saw her Manager walking towards her through the crowd, totally star-struck by Mr. Jagadeesh than her. Seeing this, Aarya could not help herself from smiling a bit.

"Good Morning Ma'am!" greeted Chirag, the 40-year old Manager of Aarya, trying his best not to stare at his boss's companion while keeping a straight serious face. Aarya smiled "Chiragji, meet Mr. Jagdeesh Nagekkar, and sir, this is Chirag Govind, my manager." She introduced both the men to each other. They shared a bit of pleasantry before Jagdeesh turned to Aarya again, "Why don't I drop you. My nephew Anurag is coming to pick me anyways, and your hotel is on the way. So maybe we can catch up on lunch, and then we can drop you!" Jagdeesh Nagekkar suggested yet asserted nicely.

One thing about business people is that they are very straight in everything. If they find something potential for benefits, then there is no beating around the bush. It is true, especially in Jagadeesh's case.

"Ahh. That sounds wonderful, sir, but I have a meeting with few Chinese delegates at 3 pm. Before that, I need a bit of rest since I have been travelling so much that I feel as if I am a ping-pong ball. So, maybe next time, sir." Aarya smiled as she replied.

"Ma'am, the car is here," Chirag said and gestured, opening the door of the car, to enter. Meanwhile, a British Racing Green Jaguar XJ stopped before Jagdeesh. Aarya saw glimpses of the left window of the car sliding down when she turned to Chirag. He was getting anxious as they were asked to advance the 3 pm meeting to half-past one due to the delegates' sudden personal reasons.

Jagdeesh was busy talking with someone in the car when Aarya turned away from Chirag.

"It was great meeting you, sir. I am looking forward to meeting you and your family in the reception," Aarya said as she lent her hand for a final handshake and Jagdeesh took it while replying, "Yes, indeed it was a pleasure meeting you, and I will count on you. Do not forget. Day after tomorrow at Neelkant Residence, your name will be on the list. And, don't you dare cancel on the plans because I would like to introduce someone to you."

"Sure Sir." Aarya smiled for the last time before she entered her car.

"Shall we go?" Jagdeesh heard Anurag ask him as he settled on the seat, while different thoughts rattled in his brain- Why didn't he introduce them now? It could have been much better if they have met now. No, it is all right. Let us wait for some right timing.

"Who was that girl?"

"Aarya. You will meet her soon." Jagdeesh replied as the music blared up and the car raced forward. One in the front seat, while the Other on the rear seat- destined to meet in An Invite of Fate...

We do not hold any copyright over the images used in this story. It is taken from Google Images, and we thank and appreciate the creators , with whole heart.

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1 Comment

Aysha Afrin
Aysha Afrin
Sep 21, 2021

Interesting beginning. I wanna know more. Can't wait to know more about Anuragh too.

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