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BOOK REVIEW : HARVEST (drama) by Manjula Padnamban

by Sreehari Venat

Image Source: Google Imanges- Amazon

Harvest is an Indian drama that came into the limelight in 1997. Manjula Padmanabhan sets a plot that makes us aware of the outrageous schemes pulled off by the highly established multinational organizations. YUNGBee lays out some points about the way Manjula depicts this with a group of characters.

The protagonist of this futuristic drama, Om Prakash, an unemployed man of Indian origin, strikes a deal with a huge firm named InterPlanta Service to donate organs. This group of people shows an attitude that may seem amicable at first, but we see its true colors later. Since the firm agreed to receive his organs, they play a huge role in maintaining Om's health. This is when they start to behave at their worst. They began to take control over his family in a terrible way. They intrusively interrupt the lives of his family. The rest of the drama revolves around conflicts between Om's family and InterPlanta Services.

Manjula ridicules the mindset of multinational firms that aims to rip people off by any means possible. The attitude of people who intends to steep themselves in the luxury of the third world is highly reflected. The first and the third worlds have got entirely different ways of looking at things. One is on the verge of disarray because of the ruthless nature of the other. The author uses the drama as a way to protest against the third world and its atrocities.

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