"LUST and LOVE are both four-letter words, and now Meenakshi was learning the difference between them." Lines like this from the novel Yakshini make it a compelling one for contemporary India. Set in the rural Maharastra, Neil D' Silva enigmatically blends in the superstitions, mythology, horror, and reality of lust-driven men of Indian society.
The writer beautifully journeys the reader through the life of young Meenakshi as we see her grow from a child to a woman to a victim and more. An outcast, not only in her family but within society, for her secrets, Meenakshi suffers not only as a woman but also for someone else's sin throughout her life. Through a language written in a format that allows you to visualize it mentally, the character and the setting become you and your environment, respectively.
The eeriness of the demon, the skin-crawling sequences of revenge, or the bashing of
Renuka at the mob all are strong portrayals of powerful character and story.
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